Italian Hot Chocolate (Dairy Free)

When you think of hot chocolate you probably think of hot cocoa. Curling your hands around a piping hot mug of dairy-filled chocolate drink is what comes to mind. Right? It reminds me of hopping off Santa’s sleigh ride as a Girl Scout and running over to warm up with a steaming cup of milky…

Best Paleo Bacon Recipes by Mangia Paleo

Happy Bacon Day! Who came up with this day anyway? According to the internet (trusted source. lol) “International” Bacon Day is really only a thing in the United States. But then there’s International Bacon Day in September. Oh, and don’t forget National Bacon Lovers Day. Totally different thing. Frankly, every day should be bacon day so I…

Roasted Basil Sweet Potatoes with Pine Nuts

Sweet potatoes are a great way to load up on your carbohydrates after a workout. Add a heavy spoon of this to a meal with juicy steak or lean pork dish and you’ve got a perfect balance of protein and carbs. It is my favorite starchy side dish to make. In fact, I have to stop myself…

Questions to Ask a Friend with a Chronic Illness

This post is for friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, family, and anyone close to those with a chronic illness. Lately I’ve been discovering articles on things not to say to someone with Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and other chronic illness. They are fantastic! Some made me frustrated and others made me laugh. It’s pretty accurate. But these articles prompt us…

Garlic K(Nots)

Let’s be real here. Bread isn’t paleo no matter how you slice it. Frankly I don’t consider paleo bread as being truly paleo. I understand the need for a replacement though. And sure, the ingredients are paleo but recreating non-paleo items like bread and cookies defeats the purpose of a balanced clean diet. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean…

Paleo Lemon Granita (Italian Ice)

You’re never too old for a lemon Italian Ice on a hot summer day. Remember that refreshing sweet sugar hitting your mouth from a tiny little spoon. Oh man, to this day Luigi’s Italian Ice still makes me smile. Reading the ingredients on these frozen treats does not make me smile. Corn syrup, sugar, xantham gum,…

Workouts for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Hello, loves! Something special is in this blog post today. I really want to share with you a guest post by Maggie Downie, owner and Pilates Instructor of Personal Euphoria in Connecticut. Maggie is an expert in the field, she has an admirable respect for the human body, and she is one of the most genuine people…

Italian Sausage and Kale Bowl

When I first started eating paleo I made this meal at least once a week. I like it. I like it a lot! On a typical weeknight I like to cook something nourishing and fast. At the end of an insanely busy day I’m exhausted and barely functioning. So the easier the dinner, the better. This kale bowl…