Workouts for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Hello, loves! Something special is in this blog post today. I really want to share with you a guest post by Maggie Downie, owner and Pilates Instructor of Personal Euphoria in Connecticut. Maggie is an expert in the field, she has an admirable respect for the human body, and she is one of the most genuine people…

Italian Sausage and Kale Bowl

When I first started eating paleo I made this meal at least once a week. I like it. I like it a lot! On a typical weeknight I like to cook something nourishing and fast. At the end of an insanely busy day I’m exhausted and barely functioning. So the easier the dinner, the better. This kale bowl…

Spaghetti Squash Broccoli Casserole

Breakfast is certainly the most important meal. The way your morning starts can make or break the rest of your meals that day.There are plenty of times I have eaten poorly in the morning and when lunch came around I thought, “ehh, whatever. I already had crap for breakfast”. And the rest of the day is downhill…

Thank You; Inside Scoop on

Ciao everyone! Subcribers to are THE BEST EVER. Your support lifts me up daily. Today’s post was intended for the new year. After almost 5 months of interruptions I’m finally sharing the inside scoop with you all! was founded in January 2014 and grew rapidly thanks to you. My intention has been to share my success story…

Easy Paleo Kale Chips (Video)

Get ready for a crispy crunchy addiction. If you watch the short YouTube video I made you’ll hear the crunch at the end. Click here for the video or see below. These are more addicting than any potato chip I’ve ever eaten. These kale chips are non-paleo people approved! Have you seen advertisements for Kale in your neighborhood?…

10 Meal Prepping Tricks

How are you enjoying your new year? Sticking to your diet resolutions? As we all know there is usually an increase in healthy eaters this time of year. The first month goes very well. We’re all dedicated and proud of our new lifestyle. But then February rolls around and things start to become a burden. The biggest…

Exercise and Ulcerative Colitis

Lately I’ve been told people are surprised to hear I CrossFit with ulcerative colitis. Actually, many friends and acquaintances are shocked I CrossFit regardless of my disease. Haha! If you know me, you know I’ve never been a fan of working out, sports, or any sort of activity which causes physical exhaustion. Before CrossFit I was never a member…