Spaghetti Squash Broccoli Casserole

Breakfast is certainly the most important meal. The way your morning starts can make or break the rest of your meals that day.There are plenty of times I have eaten poorly in the morning and when lunch came around I thought, “ehh, whatever. I already had crap for breakfast”. And the rest of the day is downhill…

Italian Breakfast: Zoodle Pizza Frittata

Pizza for breakfast? Noodles for breakfast? What am I doing!? I’m tantalizing your Italian taste buds, that’s what. The flavors in this egg based breakfast are very reminiscent of pizza flavor with that deep oregano and bright basil. My favorite part is the zoodles. Zoodles are noodles made out of zucchini. How do you make zoodles? Easy! I…

Bird’s Nest Breakfast

Let’s address the title of this recipe for a moment. It’s cute, right? Okay well you’re a sicko because it’s actually kind of cruel. Or primal…whichever direction you want to take it. The eggs in this “nest” are cooked and eaten. So it makes me think of cute little baby birds being fried alive. Maybe…

Brunch Skewers

RISE AND SHINE. It’s paleo brunch time! You’ve asked for more breakfast recipes so here you go. Ask and you shall receive! The best part about this is that it’s great for groups, kids, and all bacon lovers. You will most definitely need to double or triple the recipe if you’ve got people over. Especially…

Sausage and Sweets Breakfast Bowl

There are so many eggs you can take before breakfast starts to get too redundant. I have recently tried to limit nightshades and eggs in my diet after reading up on the autoimmune protocol diet. By experimenting with this elimination I hope to see an improvement in my digestive and autoimmune response. Here’s a breakfast…

Hungover Herbed Breakfast

Top ‘o the mornin’ to ya! I hope your St. Paddy’s Day aftermath is going well. I was in bed by 10pm last night, but if you were out partying unlike myself then don’t forget to hydrate with pure coconut water! I swear by it after I drink. Since I have Ulcerative Colitis I shouldn’t…

Sausage & Vegetable Frittata

The best way to meal prep breakfast is with a frittata. You combine your favorite meat and veggies with eggs and call it a day! Cut the frittata up into single size portions so that you can reheat a slice each morning. It certainly takes less time to do that than wait at the Dunkin…

How to Cut an Avocado

Avocados are a versatile food especially in paleo cooking! You can eat them aside your eggs in the morning, in a shrimp dish with mango, or even add cacao powder and sweetener for a chocolate mousse. Someone asked me how to cut an avocado once. It took me by surprise because I eat them every…